
Profiles are used to associate people with content via Terms. Compliance Tracker 365 can import profiles through the web interface or automatically using the CT365 Management Solution. To import profiles via the web interface, select Profiles and click the + New button

  1. Select the Term to use to create the profiles
  2. Choose the groups or people to be associated with the Term.
  3. Click Save.

Use Profile Property filters

After the CT365 Management Solution has been implemented, profiles can be associated with Terms through profile filters.

Anyone with a matching property will also be associated with the term.

Each term can only have a single import entry.
Each import entry can be associated with multiple distribution, security, M365 groups or individual people.
Clicking the number under # will show all uses combined.

  1. Once all the entries are added, click Process all… to create the User Profiles

To update profiles when new people start or change roles, open the Profiles tab and click Process all queries and update profiles. This will update any changes to peoples profiles. Note: Profiles should only be processed once every 15 minutes.

To automate the import of profiles automatically using Flow, see the Power Automate Solution.