Site Reports

Site Reports are accessible from the Reports tab in the Management page.

Site Reports either load data and the report automatically, or a side panel will be available to select dates, libraries and terms.


Standard Reports

Standard reports are available to review compliance and general usage. To view a standard report:

  • Open the Site Library Read Report (/sitepages/ctfiles/site-report.aspx)

  • Select data to be reported and click View Report

  • Click the Pivot tab and select a report from the drop down


Custom Reports

Custom reports can be created from scratch or from an existing report. Custom reports are shared between users on the site. To create a custom report:

  • Open the Site Library Report (1)
  • Select all content or a library with tags
  • Select a report (3) or click + (4) for a new report and enter a name
  • If a report is selected (3), click the copy icon (4) and enter a new custom name
  • Drag the data field (6) into the pivot table (7)
  • Field drop downs (6,7) can be used to filter results (8)
  • Click Save Configuration (4) to save the report


Report data can include compliance processing (2), to show if someone has or has not read content.