Tenant Deployment

Minimum permissions: SharePoint Administrator

Compliance Tracker 365 is available from Microsoft AppSource, an online store managed by Microsoft. This is the preferred way to deploy the application. This method of deployment will make the app available to install to any SharePoint site tenant-wide.

  1. Navigate to Compliance Tracker 365 on Microsoft AppSource
  2. Click the “Get it now” button. You will be redirected to the SharePoint Store in your SharePoint Online tenant.
  3. If you have permissions to deploy an app to your SharePoint Online tenant, you will see a button labelled “Add to Apps site”. Otherwise the button will be labelled “Request”.
  4. Click the “Add to Apps site” button to start the deployment.
  5. On the Confirm data access dialog box you see the Microsoft Graph permissions that the app uses (User.Read.All, GroupMember.Read.All and Files.ReadWrite.All).
  6. Click the Add button to complete the deployment
  7. A dialog box will appear confirming that the app has been enabled.
  8. Click the “Go to API access page” button to review any pending API access requests.