
Compliance Tracker 365 reports show detailed read and view information covering all targeted content stored in SharePoint.

Standard reports are available from the Manage > Reports tab which cover common reporting scenarios.

  • All reads and views - Displays total count of all reads and views across all sites sharing Terms.
  • Compliance Matrix (mandatory only) - Displays a matrix of mandatory reads, readers and compliance status. N/A is displayed where content is targeted for reading, but no read date is recorded.
  • Compliance by department (mandatory only) - Displays mandatory content each department needs to read with a compliance status count.
  • Compliance by person (mandatory only) - Displays a list of all people with mandatory reading with a compliance status count.
  • Feedback pending review - Displays all feedback pending review across all sites sharing Terms.
  • Quiz results - Displays quiz results across all sites sharing Terms.
  • Recent reads - Chronological list showing the past 14 days of reads and views for all targeted content across all sites sharing Terms.
  • Views by year and month - View only heatmap showing the overall view count of all targeted content across all sites sharing Terms by month.
  • Non-compliant mandatory for notifications - Report used to view all mandatory non-compliant reads by person. Used as a base for notifications.

Custom reports can be configured and saved for specific needs.

All standard and custom reports are shared across all users of the Management site.

Reports leverage SharePoint Search as the data source. There can be a delay in processing read data.

Report layouts

Report data is processed using a pivot control and can be displayed as a standard table, a heatmap or charts. Report data can also be exported to CSV for reporting in PowerBI.



Once a custom report is saved, a link can be generated using the link icon. Save the link as a favorite in the browser or add it to the site navigation for quick access.


If you see the message Report not found, it may have been renamed.
To get the update, select Manage > Setup > App > Remove standard reports then reconfigure as a Site Owner then click the link in the header of ‘My Reads’ to configure.