Report data

Compliance Tracker 365 reports contain fields related to the reader, the content and the read details. Actionable fields are available to review Feedback and Revoke reads. Not all fields are added to all reports and some need to be show together. All report fields with descriptions are listed alphabetically below:

Field name Description
City City of the reader. Populated by CT365 Management Solution from Microsoft Entra ID.
Company Company of the reader. Populated by CT365 Management Solution from Microsoft Entra ID.
Compliance status Compliance status of the read. Updated to Compliant, Non-compliant, Non-compliant by date, Non-compliant by version and Other Read when ‘Compliance Data Loaded’
Country Department of the reader. Populated by CT365 Management Solution from Microsoft Entra ID.
Department Department of the reader. Populated by CT365 Management Solution from Microsoft Entra ID.
Email Email address for the reader.
Feedback Feedback tracker text.
Hire Date Hire Date of the reader from Hire Date in profile. Populated by CT365 Management Solution from Microsoft Entra ID.
Job title Job title of the reader. Populated by CT365 Management Solution from Microsoft Entra ID.
Library name Name of the library containing the content.
Links Link to File, User and File reports. Links visible based on Name and Title being included in row. Quiz
Log history SharePoint version number from Read Log. Populated for read entries only.
Manager Manager of the reader. Populated by CT365 Management Solution from Microsoft Entra ID.
Mandatory term First Mandatory term match between content and profile.
Name Name or the person reading or viewing content.
Office Office taken from user profile. Populated by CT365 Management Solution from Microsoft Entra ID.
Profile status Indicates if the profile is Active (terms assigned) or Inactive where not terms are assigned to the users profile.
Quiz score Quiz score value from the quiz.
Quiz status Quiz status to indicate if the person Passed or Failed.
Rating Feedback Tracker rating value.
Read version Version Number of the content read.
Refresher days Refresher days value from tracker properties.
Reviewed by Feedback Tracker value to display who reviewed the feedback.
Revoke Button to Revoke a Read. For the button to display, Name or Email, Title, and the Compliance Status fields must be in the report rows plus the status must be Compliant.
Site name Display name of the site where the content is being tracked.
Site url URL of the site where the content is being tracked.
Title Title of the page or document. If Title blank, the file name is displayed.
Track date Date the read or view was tracked. Displays in local format.
Track day Day of the month the read or view was tracked.
Track duration Duration the read or view was tracked in seconds. Views record active time in the browser tab. Reads record the entire time the tab was open.
Track hour Hour the read or view was tracked. 24 hour format.
Track month Month the read or view was tracked using 3 letter format.
Track time Time the read or view was tracked. Converted to local time.
Track year Year the read or view was tracked.
Tracker type Tracker Type from tracker properties.
Tracker version Version number from tracker properties.
Web browser Web browser used to read content.
Field buttons
Field name Description
Review Button to update Reviewed by in Feedback. To display the button, Reviewed by must be visible and Pending in the row.
Revoke Button to Revoke a Compliant read. To display the button, Name or Email, Title, plus the Compliance Status fields must all be visible in the row, and Compliance Status must be Compliant. Revoked content is displayed as Non-compliant by version. Revoked entries are added back to My Reads daily or via a full or delta refresh.