
Minimum SharePoint site permissions: Contribute
Minimum Management Role: Administrator or Install Account

Management Roles do not set SharePoint permissions. See Setting Role Permissions section for more information.

Roles are used to grant access to sections found on the Management page:

You will need to update permissions either across the site collection or specific locations if you want the roles to work as intended.

Setting Role Permissions

Minimum SharePoint site permissions: Edit

Each role works best if the user in these roles also have minimum permissions in SharePoint(SP):

Role SP Permissions Location
Administrators Contribute Site Collection
Profile Editors Contribute CT Profile Import &
CT User Profile Lists
Report Editors Contribute CT Config List:
Target items ()
Report Readers Read Site Collection

You do not need to break inheritance on list items or lists as long as you don’t mind the user having Contribute access across the site collection.

Breaking Inheritance on list

To update the permissions on a CT List to allow targeted contribute or read access.
Open Site Settings > Site Contents > CT List Name > Settings (3 dots) > Permission for this list.
Click Stop inheriting permissions. Then add the user(s) to the list.


Breaking Inheritance on list item

To update the permissions on a CT List item to allow targeted contribute or read access.
Open target list > tick list item > make sure the image icon is selected on the right of the page > select Manage access under Has access.
From there select the + sign next to Direct access > add user name and check access level by selecting the pencil on the right. Then Grant access.
If notify was left ticked the user will be notified that you have granted them access.