
Compliance Tracker 365 can send email or Teams notifications to let people know that they have important content to read. Notifications to send are created through reports and sent by the CT365 Management Solution.

Notification layout templates

Compliance Tracker 365 comes with standard templates for email and Teams message layouts.

Note: In a future release, the custom template generation will be available.

Send notifications report

Notifications are generated and sent from the Reports tab. The standard Non-compliant mandatory for notifications report can be used to generate base data for all non-compliant reads across all targeted content using shared terms.

  1. Open the management page from Site pages.
  2. Open the Non-compliant mandatory for notifications report and validate the data to be sent looks correct.
  3. Click Select report data, refine the report data query if needed, and scroll to the end of the panel. If the report data has changed, click View report to check latest data.
  4. Under Report options, update the File name to Non-compliant notifications. The file will be overwritten if it exists.
  5. Select a Notification template based on the above layouts.
  6. Click View reports and Send now.

The data will be processed and the notification will be queued to be sent.

The notifications report can be triggered from a link to send notifications. To generate the link, select View reports and click Copy link.