Schedule notifications

Scheduling notifications with Windows Task Scheduler

The notifications can be schedule via the Windows Task Scheduler using a notification report link. The reports and schedules can be configured as needed and setup on a dedicated PC or a personal PC running Chrome or Edge web browsers.

To setup Task Scheduler, take the following steps:

  1. Create a profile in Chrome or Edge called ‘Automated Reports’ (or similar). This will be dedicated to report generation. There is no need to synchronize data with profiles if promoted.
  2. Type chrome://version (or edge://version) into the address bar and note the executable path and profile path. These are needed in step 13.
  3. Using the profile, login to your SharePoint site using with an account with at least the Report viewer role in CT365.
  4. Generate the Non-compliant mandatory for notifications report from the Management page and update Select report data for the email email.
  5. Update Report options at the bottom of the Select report data panel, add a File Name e.g. Non-compliant email notifications, and select a Notification template.
  6. Click View report and click Copy link. Save for step 13.
  7. In Windows, search for and open the Task Scheduler app.
  8. Right click the Task Scheduler Library and create a New folder named Automated Reports .
  9. Right click on the folder, select Create a basic task. The name should be based on when the report are to be created e.g. “Non-compliant daily report 10am”, “Non-compliant weekly report - Monday 2am” or “Non-compliant monthly report - 1st Monday 7:00am”.
  10. Make sure the schedules do not start at the same time otherwise the report generation may fail. Multiple reports can be created under the same basic task schedule if appropriate.
  11. Select the Trigger time. Use Daily to schedule hourly reports, Weekly to run on a set day and Monthly to run each month.
  12. Select Start a program and enter the executable path as the program from step 2.
  13. Add arguments –headless=new –virtual-time-budget=100000 –profile-directory="‘Profile 1’" –disable-gpu “‘Notification report link’. Replace “Profile 1” with the profile path value from step 2, and the “Notification report link” with the url from step 6.
  14. Click Finish for the report to be schedule. The profile account used will receive a summary email each notification send.


Reports stop being generated

Check the profile in Chrome/Edge is opening SharePoint correctly without a password prompt.

Wrong file names are appearing in emails

Check the Titles in documents are correct. If a document was copied, they may contain a Title from the original source.