Query string parameters

Query string parameters are used to determine which data received and how it is processed in the report. The Site Report will generate the appropriate query string. The parameters below are for reference only.

Parameter Purpose Examples
DataSource Sets the source content query. Currently only All is support. DataSource=All
ProcessComplianceData Processes data to determine who has and has not read Mandatory content. Should not be used with History=True (only the most recent entry is needed for Compliance) or date ranges (log entries will be missing). ProcessComplianceData=True
Report Sets the report to load into the pivot table. Can be a standard or custom report. Report=standard-All Reads
IncludeOptional Includes content with optional terms. IncludeOptional=True
History Includes log version history. This option can lead to long content processing time. Use with StartDate and EndDate to limit content. History=False
StartDate=Day-365 Date range used to query log entries. Use explicit date in YYYY-MM-DD format or use Day, Month, Year - number. E.g. Day-1 = yesterday. StartDate=Day-365
EndDate=Day Date range used to query log entries. Use explicit date in YYYY-MM-DD format or use Day, Month, Year - number. E.g. Day = today. Month and Year are calculated to the last day of the month or year. EndDate=Day
HideTotal Hides the Totals in the pivot report. HideTotal=True
ReportOnly Only displays the report. Hides the pivot table fields. ReportOnly=True
Views Extracts the most recent Views per page and persons for the report. Can be set from 1 - 100. Views=100
ContentSearch Filter content using a search query. ContentSearch=Title:Policy
LogSearch Used to refine log entries. The value is used as a search term when querying logs.

Example report link:


Other report links are available from the Reports tab in the Configuration page.