Select report data

Site reports use information about the targeted content, user profiles and read details.

To get the right data into the site report, use the Select report data button to change the data queries, filters and process options. The panel is split into sections related to the content location, read results, data processing and export options.

Select report data

Reports are created based on the sites and terms used to target content.

Select site(s)

Select the site(s) which contain the targeted content.
- All sites with shared terms - Queries content and logs across all sites using the term set with the selected targeting terms.
- Current site - Select targeting terms - Only queries content in the current site using the selected terms.
- Current site library - Select targeting term - Only queries content in the selected site library using the selected terms.

Select term match

Select is the content must be a mandatory or optional read.

Content filter

Enter additional search queries to refine the content returned. The dialogue supports Keyword Query Language.

Include expired

Expired content is excluded by default from reports. To include it, select the Include expired option.

Select read results

Select which read and view records to include in the report.

Start date

Enter the start date for logs to be displayed in the report. For Compliance Reports, this should be set to All.
Day, Week, Month, Quarter and Year allows the report to calculate the first day of each based on the offset value. This is dynamic and can be saved in report Urls.

End date

Enter the end date for logs to be displayed in the report. For Compliance Reports, this should be set to All.
Day, Week, Month, Quarter and Year allows the report to calculate the last day of each based on the offset value. This is dynamic and can be saved in report Urls.

Log filter - Keyword Query Language

Optional search query to refine logs to include in the report. Used to filter feedback logs pending review.

Select profiles

Refine which profiles are include in the report. For compliance data only.

Profile type

- Managed - Profiles which are created via the Profile tab or the CT365 Management Solution.
- Personal - Profile added by individuals via the My Profile page.

Profile filter

Add additional search queries to refine the profiles. This could include the name, email, department or manager of the readers.

Data processing

Select how the data is processed into the report.


For Compliance data reports, the selected sites and terms are used to query documents, the terms are then used to query profiles, and the resulting match is processed. Reports only include people with a matching profile term. People who may have read or viewed the content, but no longer have a matching term, are excluded from the report.
- All compliance data - Process the data to show both Compliance and Non-compliant results. If there are thousand of profiles or documents, Views should be excluded to keep the data manageable.
- Non-compliant only - Only display non-compliant results where content is targeted but people have not read the latest version. Useful for Notification reports.
- Compliant only - Only display compliant records.

Reads and views

For Read and View reports, the selected sites and terms are used to query documents, the returned documents are then used to query all matching logs. Reports include everyone who has read or viewed the content, regardless of their current profile terms.
- All reads and views - No processing of compliance information. Reports display targeted content which has been read or viewed.
- Views only - No processing of compliance information. Displays views of targeted content.


Number of views to be displayed in the report for each file/person combination. 0 are no views, maximum of 250.

Read match

If a targeted document is matched against multiple profile terms for an individual, determine if only the First or All matching terms are displayed in the report.
- First - Use First to generate a report with a single read per document.
- All - Use All to generate reports with multiple reads per document. Useful is a document is part of multiple terms and the read status of all must be displayed.

Check access (Non-compliant only)

Checks if the reads has access to read the document. Access check is only performed on non-compliance results.

Process read history

Addition query to show all read history. Needed if reports must show historical reads of different document versions.

Report options

Use to export files and send notifications.

File name

Enter the name of the file to be saved in the Report library. If the file exists, it will be overwritten.
- Include date time - Adds the date/time to the end of the file to always make it unique.

Notification template

If a file is generated, the content can be emailed via the CT365 Management Solution. Select the template to send the email or Team notification.